Thursday, May 24, 2007

: Not being catty, silly

Things I've been doing lately:

Listening to Mika ( not controversial-kisser silly... Mika as in the one whose album is called Life in cartoon motion).

Telling anyone who cares to listen that Beethoven and Bach are so much better than Tchaikovsky and Mozart.

Jogging every alternate morning... and then being rather pleased with myself consuming double the calories and hence gaining pounds.

Not reading fiction.

Comparing the editorials of the various newspapers. Here's the order:

The Telegraph
Hindustan Times
The Statesman
Times of India

On Sundays however... the TOI editorials are fantastic.

Watching too many movies

Pans Labyrinth
Hard Candy
Music and Lyrics
Clockwork orange
Requiem for a Dream
American Beauty
The Last King of Scotland
Spiderman 3
Life in a Metro
In her shoes

And all this in a week.
I know this aint a record. But it really is considering how much I've been doing lately.

Anyway... got to rush now.

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