Sunday, April 29, 2007

:If I were to die soon

If I were to die soon,

I'd buy a pair of Manolo Blahniks
And that gorgeous dress by Carolina Herrera
And kiss that stranger with piercing eyes
And take sips of Dom Perignon on a yacht to Tahiti

If I were to die soon

I'd put on my travelling shoes
And pull out that rucksack
And travel to all the places I've wanted to go to
And hear stories of the one legged sailor
In the country pub
Or the runaway boy by the tavern hearth
Or the Tunisian wife and her eleven boys

If I were to die soon

I'd come home to my family
And friends
And spend as much time as I can with them
Tell them how much I love them
How much I care

If I were to die soon

I'd read all the books that I've been postponing for a while
And watch the Mask of Orpheus
And The Devils of Loudon
And Samuel Barbers Vanessa

If I were to die soon

I honestly dont know what I'd do.


kiki said...


porphyria said...

u wudnt kno wat to do cos u wudnt kno if u were to die unless of course u were to commit suicide... which of course u wudnt... so ...
umm... i lov this post....
my kind....