Thursday, May 3, 2007


Blistering Barnacles!
I'm looking for an original expression. You know, the ones you can say all the time. The ones that eventually become a trademark of yours cause its so unique.
I marvel at how people can go on and on and on about thnigs that hold no significance.
To them.
But then.
But then, what happens in Iraq isnt of any significance to us really. I mean, unless you're Dylan or some sainted soul who is shocked by the direction that mankind is taking nowadays.
I should've said humankind. I mean, I dont want to ire the feminists. They're pretty darn brutal. Or so I hear.
Readers Digest Health Section says that it is possible to get addicted to water.
I mean, HELLO!
Give us a break. Addicted to good ol' H2O.
It cant get worse. What do they want us to do man?
First they say, drink plenty of water, it flushes out the toxins, cleanses the system or whatever.
And then they add this tiny corollary.
we're having an inter-administrative-organ war in our country regarding the implementations of quotas in educational institutions.
You see, there are certain castes in our country which are apparently backward owing to the decades and centuries of discrimination that they have faced. So the Legislature wants to give them a chance to shine. Give them an unfair advantage over the so called upper castes who have got everything handed to them on a silver spoon. The method of doing so: Quotas.
The judiciary says that quotas go against the fundamental tenet of the constitution- Equality.
Besides it feels that the richer sections among the backward castes may exploit this system for their own advancement thus defeating the whole purpose.
It doesnt bother me.
I mean it does. Cause I'll be going to college in a couple of months.
Schools over. We had our farewel a couple of days back.
It went well.
And thats it for now.

1 comment:

kiki said...

hmm.... interesting blog....i like!